On the Friday 1st of June 2007 opened the "Drive Thru" Project in Aschersleben, a town that lies two hours south-west of Berlin. The curator Dr.Sonja Beeck from the Bauhaus Museum, Dessau devised a Drive Thru Gallery. Five of my paintings were displayed on billboard sized structures as part of a rejuvenation project on the city circular road. These works were specially chosen for the project and were displayed until June 2008.The exhibition was called "Hitzefrei" which basically means skipping school on a hot day.
The Project was also presented on the occasion of the Opening of the 52nd International Art Exhibition, The Venice Biennale, at the German Study Institute, Venice. Amongst the speakers were the Director of the Bauhaus museum Dr.Omar Akbar and Scenographer Detlef Weitz. The German Study Institute, S.Polo 2765/a, 30125 Venice. The talk took place Saturday 9th June 2007.