May 2010

"Black Ghosts" Articles, Monopol Magazine, Art Report and ArtInfo 24

There have already been several announcements and articles about my show "Black Ghosts" opening in Berlin at the Kunstverein Tiergarten on Friday 4th June 8.00pm. Just follow the links.Press "read more"... ,

"Cover Up" Group Exhibition Opening Friday 11th June 7pm , TAPE Berlin

Tape Modern is proud to present the group exhibiton "Cover-up" curated by Christopher Winter.

Other artists include Thorsten Brinkmann, Olaf Breuning and Leigh Bowery. Opening Friday 11th June  7pm- 3am. Tape Modern Heidestrasse 14, 10557 Berlin.

Tape Modern hosts one-night events that have over the past years established themselves as an innovative platform for curated shows at the heart of the Berlin Art Scene.

IBA "Drive Thru" at Bauhaus Museum in Dessau

Many of you have been noticing my work in the press recently due to the International Building Exhibiton (IBA) at the Bauhaus Museum in Dessau. Included in the show is documentation of my "Drive Thru" Gallery project in Aschersleben. I'm gradually adding to this website articles from the Süddeutsche Zeitung, FAZ, Tagesspeigel, N-tv de. and a television feature in 3Sat. More information can be found on the Bauhaus